Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Everyone wants to be loved- even Hitler

So I'm working on a series of upcoming blogs that will expound on the ideas of Christian pacifism and how it is tied to the longings of every human heart. Typically I just sit down and word vomit whatever is in my head and call it a blog entry. But for this I'd like to have a bit more structure and really get deep into the issue, and why I think it's one of the precious few things that the Bible is pretty clear on. I hope to post on this series once a week.

Here's a brief overview of what I plan on covering/including:

  • Reconciling the "Old Testament God" with Jesus' teachings in the New Testament
  • Blazing the path: past and modern day saints who have lead the way on the path of non-violence and reconciliation
  • The root of non-violence and violence: we're all in the same boat, well all want to be loved
  • Pacifism doesn't mean we sit back and do nothing
  • What are our rights?
  • Constantine and the beginning of the Christian empire
  • Jim Elliot and a common double standard
  • Practicing peace, forgiveness and reconciliation

Books I plan on using and reading are:
If you get a chance, check out some of these books. I've read most of them and they will get you asking some good questions. I think you can start looking for this blog series (I feel so pretentious calling it a series) on Fridays. In the mean time, I'll leave you with a question of my own.

What do you think our rights are as followers of Christ?

1 comment:

  1. Wooooo looking forward to it. Especially the one about Jim Elliot, he is my hero
